Friday, June 19, 2009

A home starts with the kitchen! (A guide to a better home, life and planet)- Part 1

• Start of the day, start of a new life and a greener planet
Most of us start our day with a nice warm cup of coffee, what about turning over a new leaf with that habit? Using an automatic kettle will lead to a better and more efficient energy consumption, and who knows, depending on your coffee-ing habits, might lower the burden on your pocket too!!

Once you have a kettle, make sure you descale it regularly to prevent the buildup of fur inside it, because it will reduce the efficiency of your kettle, or prevent it by using filtered water, that is soft in nature, and does not contain the minerals and compounds responsible for “furring”. Using descalers if cleaning it manually is a hassle!! These are non-toxic and relatively easy to find, or try a strong vinegar solution as the cheapest alternative. Rinse the kettle thoroughly afterwards.

Match your pan size to the amount of food you are going to cook, to save energy and your time. Or if you are cooking a small amount of different types of foods, look for a divider or steamer, it will help you with the cooking multitasking, and allow you to cook 3 or even up to 6 dishes at the same time.

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Replacing Aluminum windows

In this article I will talk about replaing aluminum windows. As a matter of common sense, you should look for the suitable replacement window before the actually removal and have it onsite. If it’s a heavy frame, make sure you have ample support material too. Also as I have mentioned in my other articles, make sure you take the correct measurements before ordering in a new window.
Unscrew the casement and take out the glass before taking the frame down, let’s not get into any accident as long as we can easily avoid it.
Even if you have to break the glass, remember! Safety first. Wear protective goggles and use sheets to catch the “crunch”. Also make sure you throw the crunch outwards or vacuum the “crime scene” adequately.
Now unscrew the frames and use u hacksaw to take away the sections, try not to bend them unnecessarily, they will be more difficult to remove if you do so.
Finally clear out the debris and repair any damage to the sidings that your “Craftsmanship” might have caused while replacing Aluminum windows.
Replacing Aluminum windows yourself may tempt you to dispose them off. Try giving them up to somebody who can use them in their house or office. The price of aluminum windows is already high enough, so I would encourage you try recycling or just sell them off to a metal store and see how many greens you can make by replacing Aluminum windows.

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High efficiency house windows

Renovating any portion of one’s house is a painstaking event, especially for me, so it’s quite natural that I choose stuff that is long lasting, requires little maintenance and is easy to install. And so I look for High efficiency house windows.
If you share similar beliefs, then look for Milgard windows, not only are they easily replaceable, they do all the handwork against the weather themselves. So it’d be years, possibly decades before you have to worry about replacing them. They are available in all the different colors and shades, with anodized appearance as well.
These windows not only bar outside dirt and noise, they are energy efficient too and are no doubt a value for your money as they were for mine. The glass they use has a very effective insulation or air right in between, they disallows any unnecessary escape or inflow of heat. And if you choose the tinted type, it will add on to this effect.
Covered by lifetime warranty, any window will be replaced or repaired or repaired by the company if the need arises. So whether you’re looking for replacement, reconstruction or remodeling, ask your hardware store for a Milgard window. They offer different styles and accessories in compliance with your ever growing and versatile needs, with no need for a repaint. in case the variety exhausts, which would be very surprising to me, they offer custom built windows too, and the best part is, they won’t extend the lead time if you order one.
Happy renovating your house with these High efficiency house windows !

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Best windows for 80 year old house

It’s true what they say about a home, there is no such place in the world, and an old house is what its age suggests-Classical. The Best windows for 80 year old house would be one that compliments its beauty and blends in just right, from where I stand; there is nothing better than a Cedar window for an old house, either white or red.
Cedar windows are environmentally proactive, and the beauty they offer is simply incomparable, especially their weathered look. So you have here a window that grows beautiful with age, just like your house.
Red Cedar, apart from its innate natural look, is surprisingly the most durable type of window too. It’s generally available in a lot of different varieties and prices. These varieties are categorized by their grain patterns. The unfinished natural look of white cedar would look great on a house that’s old or even vintage, but the reason I love this type is because it doesn’t require great maintenance, just your routine check would do. The weathering adaption is consistent with, as the name suggests, the weather, which means this type of window will not only love your house but will blend right in with your atmosphere too. But do ask for a coated one. Coating solutions and factory coated windows are readily available.
White Cedar is another type, that has a little contemporary look, but this contrast will no doubt add to the beauty of your house too.

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Best sleek windows for your house

is your home stylish? Is it clean and fresh looking? If yes, then it’s time to add in some excitement too, and for that you need the best sleek windows for your house.
Best suitable for the modern way of versatile construction, the aluminum windows would be a good option, with their sleek, silvery look, and robust profile, they will last long, and would require little maintenance on your part. These slim profiled windows will not only compliment the look of your modern house, but are easy to use, and maintain too. The slim profile is energy efficient and has great insulating abilities.
No matter what type of window you choose, try one that looks like the other windows of your house. And while looking for the best sleek windows for your house, ask for the whole range before you make a decision, there are all types to windows available, from single pane to double and sliding, look for one that blends in with you architectural style. Or if you are at lose while choosing the best sleek windows for your house take pictures along with you to the dealer, and have him make a suggestion. His display center will probably give you a good idea about what particularly you are looking for.
No haste please! Getting the best sleek windows for your house may sound like a trivial decision but believe me it’s not. Things like these portray your taste and lifestyle.

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Old house replacement windows

Old house replacement windows
Replacing windows in an old house is a moderately difficult job, and won’t take more then 5-7 hours for and average sized window and $500-$550 for a high performance wood insert replacement window.
The first step is to take measurements of the window required, carefully determine the sill angels and window perimeters. The next step is taking out the old sash from the jamb liners, then take the jamb liners out too with a flat bar. Now make sure the frame is free of any debris and is smooth and painted to support the replacement window. If you have sash weights in place, this might be a good opportunity to take them out and insulate, for better heating and cooling. Use fiberglass or polyurethane for insulation, though personally I like polyurethane a better insulator. Now apply Caulk around the openings and tip in the new window. Now use just 2 screws to gently lock the window in , and level it to see if it fits your requirements. Now use shims to adjust the window, once adjusted, use nails to screw it down every 4-6 inches around the perimeter. Now fill in the blanks around the perimeter that you left during installation with caulk and use any stuffing if it’s wider than 0.25 inches or so, you can use expanding foam for stuffing too, now paint the windows accordingly or leave it to weather if it’s a cedar window, and enjoy a newer outlook.

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how to replace residential windows

Window replacement is a great way of renovating one’s house, and offers the whole setting a new uniformed look, and depending on your choice of window selection, may offer energy saving and security features as well. The first step in replacing windows is choosing a good window, one that’s secure, and noise proof and has some insulating abilities too. Like the low e-glass window, that has a thin layer of insulation on one side which prevents heat loss or gain, as well as prohibits the harmful UV’s that may creep into one’s house, damaging not just the skin, but UV sensitive items in the house too. Measuring for the new window is very important. Make sure you take the old one out when taking measurements and scrap out the interior trim very carefully too, a careless step at this stage could means that the new window is 1-2 inch too short and would not fit in. Use a hammer claw to remove the old window, carefully removing any nails that may be keeping the window in place, with all securities removed, the old window will come out nicely. Now clear any debris, and bits and patches, remnants of the old window will never let you move on to the new one. Lol :p Use a level to check if it the new window is right where it should be and nail it down. Use nails every 4-6 inches apart. Happy replacing!!

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